
My family loves to go camping. A few years ago we got a camper and have been on lots of trips in it. We also love to go tent camping. My dad, my brother, and I have been backpacking a few times and I go tent camping with my scout troop a lot.


Even though I have only gone a few times I love to go backpacking. It is really hard to carry all of your food, clothes, and matirials on your back but it is worth it. Normally when you go normal camping you are in an area that cars can access so when you go backpacking it is nice to be in an area further out in the woods.

Tent Camping

I go tent camping a lot and it is super fun. You can bring more stuff then you can when you are backpacking because you just drive to the camp site and drop your stuff off.

Camper camping

Camper camping is a lot different then backpacking or tent camping. It is also a lot easier because you don’t have to set up a tent or the other camping matirials. Last summer my family went on a 2 week camping trip, in the camper, to Niagra Falls. On the way we stopped at Hershey Park, Letchworth state park, and a lot of other small campsites. This summer we are going on a trip to Maine.

Here is a picture of me at the waterfalls at Letchworth state park

Here is a picture of our camper at the Niagra Falls campsite

Here is a picture we took of Niagra Falls

Fingerprint Project

In LA class we are reading The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin. Since the book is a mystery we learned about fingerprinting. There are 6 different types of fingerprints. A whorl, an arch, a tent arch, a right loop, a left loop and a double loop. There are also more spacific types.

Here are some facts about fingerprinting:

  1. No two people have the same fingerprints not even identical twins!
  2. The scientific name for fingerprints is ‘dermatoglyph
  3. Koalas also have fingerprints!
  4. it is posible to born without fingerprints(this is VERY rare)
  5. Fingerprints never change
  6. One of the most uncommon fingerprints is called an accidental

To take our fingerprints we took a notecard and rubbed lead on it. Then we rubbed our fingers on the notecard. Once we had enough lead on our finger we took a piece of tape and stuck it on our finger. Finally we took the tape off out our finger, put it on a piece of paper and labeled it.

Here is a picture of my fingerprints.

My Story

When I was younger I loved the book Lola the Lollypop Fairy. I memorized the whole thing before I could read. Here is my version of the book.

 Once upon a time there were three girls  that had a circus they were doing great until a new amusement park opened up next door. Because they had no business the tent was getting run down and so were their materials. Suddenly, right when they were about to give  up, one of the girls had an idea.”We should make our show even better than before and perform it on a day the amusement park closed!” “Great idea!” The other two said. The  girls practiced for days, hung up posters and money started rolling in. Finally it was the day of the big show and everyone was excited. The audience  walked in the tent and sat down. The lights dimmed and the show was about to start. The first part of the show went great and everyone was cheering. Finally it was Time for the main act. A hole in the top of the tent opened and they brought out a cannon.  One of the girls jumped in the cannon while the other two lit it. 3..2..1 BAM! The cannon shot the girl up into the air. She was supposed to land on a pillow outside the tent but instead she sailed way over the pillow and landed on a roller coaster that was being tested. She rode the roller coaster and it ended up being super fun. When she got to the end she told everyone how fun it was and met the owner of the park. After talking she realized that the owner was super nice and they became friends. They started working together and got the most business they’d had in years.

The End

Colonel Virts

Former NASA astronaut Terry Virts visited our school visited our school and talked about his life as an astronaut and what it was like in space. It was super cool to hear about all of his experiences.

Colonel Terry Virts is a retired NASA astronaut from Baltimore Maryland. He graduated from United States Air Force Academy  with a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics, and a french minor. With the air force He’s logged more than 5,300 flight hours in 40 different aircraft’s. In the year 2000 he was selected as a shuttle pilot with NASA. In 2010 Colonel Virts went on his first flight to space as the pilot of STS-130 on the  Space Shuttle Endeavour  after he retired from NASA he started writing and public speaking.

Here is his website 

During his presentation I learned that during training, astronauts go in a giant swimming pool with part of a space station in it. He told us the pool was nothing like space but closer then most stuff on earth. Here are some pictures that teachers at our school took during the presentation.

The second picture is a book he wrote called An Astronauts Guide to Leaving the Planet  


Book Arts Project

In LA class we were visited by the amazing artist Peg Gignoux.  Here is her website

She taught us how to make super cool books about planets we created. (there is a post about my planet if you scroll down) To make the books we printed leaves on pieces of paper using Akua ink. On some of the prints we used maps old books and music as the background. We cut the prints out into shapes and glued them onto the book to make amazing scenery. Here is my book.

Chamber Theaters Performance

A few weeks ago a few professional actors that worked at chamber theaters came and performed skits for our grade. The 5th and 6th graders saw two of the skits while the 7th and 8th graders saw all of them. The skits we saw were called The Monkeys Paw and The Necklace. The skits were super cool and the actors were very talented. They spoke loudly and were dramatic. It was easy to see what the actors were trying to say and they showed the mood of the skit really well.

The story The Monkeys Paw was about a monkeys paw that was given to a family by an old lady. The lady told the family to be careful and that they probably should not use it. The family didn’t listen and went ahead and wish for 3 wishes. The wishes backfired on them. they got what they wished for but not in the same way they were thinking they would get them. I’ll stop there so I don’t spoil it.

The second story the necklace is about a poor lady that gets invited to a party and asks her rich friend to borrow a necklace. The lady goes to the party with the necklace and has a great time. When the lady gets home she realizes that the necklace is gone! She looks everywhere but can’t find it. She tells the lady that she borrowed it from that the clasp was broken and she needed to fix it. The lady spends all of her time and money to pay for a new diamond necklace. She faintly saves up enough and brings the necklace back to the rich lady. The lady tells the rich lady what really happened to the necklace and the rich lady laughed and said that her old necklace was worthless and was fake.

Here is a picture of the show

This picture is from the Monkeys Paw story taken by my teacher.

Stock Market Game

In language arts class we are reading a book called the westing game. It is about a man named Sam Westing who is murdered and a group of people are competing against each other to solve the case. In the book there is a girl named Turtle Wexler, she thinks that investing in the stock market will help her solve the murder. Our class decided to play a game where we pretend to invest in stocks to see what it was like. We each got $20,000 to spend on stocks. Me and my partner invested in 5 stocks, Disney World, Starbucks, Nike, Amazon, and AT&T. we chose  Disney World, Starbucks, Nike, and Amazon because they are all businesses that have been going really well and ones that we enjoy. We chose AT&T because it was cheap and had been having a lot of adds on TV so we hoped this meant it would do well. We are predicting that these companies will do well but once we started we lost a lot of money. To track the money we have earned or lost we made a spread sheet. We programmed the spread sheet so that when we put in the numbers from the stock market it would calculate how much we earned or lost automatically.

This is a picture of me and my partners logo.

This is our spreadsheet

Right now we have lost $185.27

PS: we didn’t actually get $20,000 or by stocks

La ciudad de durham

Durham, Carolina del Norte

Me llamo Kendall y tengo 12 años. Me gusta jugar deportes, escuchar música y dibujar. Voy a hablar de Durham, Carolina del Norte.

Primero en Durham puedes visitar el parque de Eno river. Puedes caminar, observar plantas, correr y nadar en el río.¿Te gusta nadar? ¿Te encanta caminar?

Segundo, en Durham puedes visitar el museo de arte Nasher. En el museo puedes observar pinturas, comer comida en el restaurante, observar esculturas, y comprar recuerdos. ¿Te encanta observar pinturas?¿Te gusta comprar recuerdos?

Tercero, en Durham puedes visitar el campus  americano del tabaco. En el campus americano del tabaco puedes caminar, jugar deportes, observar los juegos, y comer comida en los restaurantes. ¿Te gusta jugar deportes?¿te gusta comer comida?

Cuarto, en Durham puedes visitar el museo de la vida y la ciencia. En el museo puedes comprar recuerdos, observar animales, jugar en el parque infantil, y jugar juegos. ¿Te gusta observar animales?¿te gusta jugar juegos?

En mi opinión Durham es una ciudad muy moderna,  fascinante, urbana e interesante. Hay muchos carros, tiendas, y personas. Tiene restaurantes y bibliotecas.

Gracias por tu atención.

Stop motion movie

A few days ago in computer science Soledad, Stella, and I made a stop motion movie. Our movie was about a girl named Taylor who got bullied for not being smart, one day the teacher announces that there is a talent show and Taylor decides to prove to everyone that she isn’t as dumb as they think by singing a song that she wrote called “Mean”. The moral of the story is that just because you can’t do a few math problems doesn’t mean your dumb. Our teacher also asked us to base our story off of a sustainability goal and we chose quality education. I voiced the teacher, the talent show judge, and the mom. Soledad voiced the students and the dad. Stella voiced Taylor the main character. The movie took a long time to make and we had a ton of pictures! The app we used was called stop motion studio. In the app all you have to do is take a picture move you character a tiny bit and then take another picture. Once you’re done taking pictures the app automatically put them into a movie. To make the movie have sound you have to put the movie on i-movie and press record.

This is a picture of Taylor singing on stage in the talent show. This project was super fun and I wish we had more time to work on it.

Field Trip to North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences

A few days ago the DA sixth grade went on a field trip to the North Carolina museum of natural sciences. It was super cool to learn about all of the animals, dinosaurs, meteors and so much more!

This is a picture of one of the exhibits in the museum. In this exhibit there are lots of dinosaur statues and even some hanging from the ceiling. Beside the statues there are even some dinosaur bones! Underneath the dinosaurs there are places where you can read about them too.

Another exhibit we went to was the race exhibit ⬆️. In this exhibit  we saw a bunch of posters that taught us about race and why it wasn’t even a real thing.

My favorite exhibit was this one ⬆️ In it there was a lot of cool 3d printings like in the picture and interactive activity’s that you could do. Some of the interactive activity’s you could do were, looking at a map of the earth that you could zoom in on and there was a cool diagram of some mountains.

All pictures were taken by the teachers on our trip!



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